I created the below illustration below with the Tokyoiter.
The Tokyoiter is a tribute to The New Yorker and The Parisianer cover illustrations, and is designed to bring the work of talented artists to a wider audience.
When I started thinking of a cover that represented the theme ’Tokyo’, Japanese schoolgirls (女子高生) and their cool and edgy sense of fashion came to mind. Since my art style is ‘dark and cute’ and most of my illustrations are black and white, I drew the piece based on this style.
Tokyoiterとは、The ParisianerとThe New Yorkerの伝統的なカバーアートへのオマージュであり、才能あるアーティスト達の作品をもっと多くの人達に見てもらう為に作られています。

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