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Children’s Picture Book – ‘Bad Wolf Cub’

‘Bad Wolf Cub’


As part of a Japan-wide contest, Gentosha (幻冬舎), one of Japan’s biggest publishing companies, declared my entry a winner. ‘Bad Wolf Cub’, which I wrote and illustrated, was sold online through Amazon Japan, as well as major bookstores throughout Tokyo.

‘Bad Wolf Cub’ is about a child finding their own personality.

The story has been well received by parents, nursery and school teachers, and Japanese board of education members. In addition to being picked up by libraries, it is being used as an educational tool in schools.

As a children’s book writer and illustrator, I want to help revitalize the Japanese publishing industry. More importantly, I want to help children who have fallen on hardship as a result of the current pandemic we are all facing. Last year, I donated 100 copies of my book to elementry and junior high schools, libraries, communities centers, and hospitals in Japan.
This year, if the first run (1,000 books) sells out, I will donate all proceeds from my share to children who are underprivileged or hospitalized.




Concept Art


Story Board


Final Illustrations



From My Fans


Thank you!
